General Rules

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During racing:

Track calls are permitted only for:

Weekly Racing General Technical Specifications

All weekly flexi-class cars must meet the following conditions:

Weekly Racing Format 

We run a ten-week series using a specified class of slot car body. Furthermore, we race on a different track each week in a circuit series,  with each series comprised of two circuits.  We use an Engleman -> Daytona Tri-oval -> Blue King - > Orange -> Daytona road course circuit rotation for each series.

Each race driver must master the nuances of each body style used, including inherent aerodynamic/handling differences, which can be significant.

Each weekly entry will be considered a Pro or Pit Master, determined by each driver’s previous number of wins or overall experience. Current Pro drivers are

Pro drivers have demonstrated consistently superb slot car racing performance. They have won multiple times, including individual races or entire race series. These drivers may have also competed at regional or national events, and performed well. Select visiting entries will be held to the same standards. For example, recognized individuals such as Terry Kelly, Tony Powell, Brian Ambrose, and Felix Mueller, will be considered professionals.

Weekly racing allows ONE (1) car substitution in a race for each Pit Master. The potential substitute car must be entered and teched alongside the primary race car.  The backup car will be impounded until needed and is to be used solely by the driver who entered the car. The backup car may be employed only when the primary race car has failed to perform as expected by the driver, regardless of reason (e.g., race damage, broken motor). Once used, the driver must finish the race with the backup car - no further substitutions or switching. If a driver substitutes his/her starting entry, then there will be a 5 lap penalty assessed. Replacing only a torn body with like is not considered using a backup. While using a backup car is an unusual race rule, we feel it promotes our primary objective of having fun, particularly for racers who drive long distances to participate on a weekly basis. 

The only practical distinction between a Pro and Pit Master will be the professionals’ loss of privileges currently afforded all weekly drivers, such as race time-outs (other than to collect a stricken car) or replacement car. We intend to grow our professional class by having specific driving thresholds to meet, which will be developed in the future. Pros and Pit Masters shall have separate podiums.

Assignment to race mains will be done by qualifying. Each driver will have 45 seconds in which to qualify. This should allow each driver roughly 5 or 6 laps in which to qualify. Qualifying will take place in rapid succession in order to minimize the total time taken. Drivers not qualifying will be relegated to the lowest main. 

The results of each main will be combined. There will be no move-ups allowed. The point system will be based upon the number of entries. The winner is awarded points equal to the number of race entries, with one point less awarded each subsequent place.  One bonus point is awarded to the top qualifier.

We sometimes run two-person team mini-enduros to ensure an adequate number of turn marshals during each heat. Each driver uses his/her own car in the race. Teams are decided by drawing lots.  However, if race turnout is sufficient, we will run as individuals. We run 2.5-minute heats in individual racing. 

We use a European-style lane rotation: Red->Green->Blue->Purple->Black->Yellow->Orange->White-> 

Saturday Racing Technical Specifications

The Viper Pit offers scheduled Saturday racing; otherwise, Saturdays are used for testing and tuning. Saturday race classes differ from our weekly racing, and depending on the class, we may use national or international rules of racing. For example,  we sometimes offer retro racing using IRRA rules.  If we run using local rules, they are similar to our weekly rules (above).

See our Saturday Racing page for scheduled weekend racing news!